The 12 Most Impactful Books to Read in 2018 |

We are working with several publishers to roll out ICT books. The current one is “Intelligent Construction Technologies for Transport Infrastructure – A Book Series” that includes the following titles:

  1. Introduction to Intelligent Construction Technologies for Transport Infrastructure
  2. The Basis of Perception Terminals: Information Technology in Engineering
  3. The Basis of Perception Methods: One-dimensional Dynamics and Applications in Engineering
  4. The Basis of Machine Analysis and Decision-Making: Into Machine Learning
  5. A Weapon for Engineering Quality: Perception and Data
  6. Executive Assistant: Control Technology in Engineering
  7. Pioneer of Intelligent Construction: Intelligent Compaction

The Chinese version of Book No. 1 was published in November 2020, while its English version was published in October 2022.

We will conduct a series of webinars on the book series. We will also develop various workshop materials and university curriculum following the publication of the ICT book series to help agencies, industry, and colleges/universities to prepare the current and future ICT workforce.

If you are interested in joining our Task Group F – ISIC journal and other publications, please contact us!